Find yourself at the end of the world.
The THE RED HOUSE hotel, with its homelike, personal atmosphere is open to visitors from all over the world –
not only for accommodation but also as an interface with the lively Inuit culture.
THE RED HOUSE EXPEDITION SERVICE advises clients and ensures successful tours.
T H A N K Y O U S O M U C H F O R Y O U R H E L P !!
Due to the pandemic no visitors have been able to travel to the Red House in Tasiilaq since March 2020 and even in 2021 the summer season was cancelled completely. Thanks to your help 97.805 € were raised jointly to bring the Red House through this difficult time. This is much more than we ever dared to hope and without your help we would not have been able to keep a small team going through this time, to ensure the future of the Red House. Now we are confident to welcome you again next year and we would like to end the fundraising campaign on 01.09.2021 and thank you all very much - we cannot thank you enough! Every letter, every comment, every donation has helped to not give up and to keep the courage and the faith in the Red House and its mission.
++ We thank you from the depth of our hearts for your overwhelming support ++

Documentary by Francesco Catarinolo and Peter Bardehle about Robert Peroni and the Red House in Tasiilaq, East Greenland.
THE RED HOUSE tells the life story of the South Tyrolean adventurer Robert Peroni. He found new meaning for his life in East Greenland and is helping the last of Europe's hunters into the future.
Robert Peroni was known as an extreme athlete in the 1980s. He was the first to cross the Greenland ice sheet at it‘s widest point on foot. With the world record that he still holds today, he fell so much in love with the country and it‘s people that he decided to change his life. Instead of looking for more money and fame, he moved to the Far North with a new mission: He wanted to save the last hunter people in Europe from destruction.
Premiere on February 18th 2021 THE RED HOUSE - Vimeo
Your dreams are about ice, snow and sun? Then the only destination is East Greenland
With its sheer endless glacier covered plateau Greenland is the paradise for all who love the winter, the silence, the snow and the sun - by foot, by ski, or by dog sledge - the traditional greenlandic way. Everybody finds fulfillment here in the crystal snow and ice: the ethusiastic nordic ski glider, the passionate alpine ski tourer, the extreme icewall and glacier climber. Recently the snow shoe hiking get's more and more popular for the hidden and wide valleys and smooth view point hills. And the latest finding: the fastest glacier of our planet flows with 15 to 20 km per year towards the crystal clear waters of Sermilik Fjord here in East Greenland.
East Greenland is exceptional
Ragged mountaintops rise steeply from the sea and winding fjords filled with sparkling colourful icebergs shape its landscape. Along Greenland’s east coast flows the world’s largest and longest ice stream, which carries all the drift-ice from the pole basin even from Siberia and Alaska. Let yourself be inspired by this elemental and virgin scenery.