Make an expedition across the Greenlandic ice sheet in the footsteps of Fridtjof Nansen
Greenland has a wild, spectacular arctic beauty. Do you wish to cross the ice sheet in the footsteps of the legendary Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen? We are your best advisors. Fridtjof Nansen crossed the ice desert in 1888. The Greenlandic ice sheet is not only the second largest ice shield, but also the largest plateau in the world. The thickness of the ice is up to 3000m.
In total, the ice covers more than 80% of the Island. Crossing the Greenlandic ice sheet is one of the 3 great Polar Expeditions, together with expeditions to the South Pole and North Pole. If you only have a limited number of days to realize your dreams of seeing the White Horizon, you also have the option of going on local excursions.

One who has crossed Greenland
returns as someone else.

In 88 days without any external support across Greenland
„Since those horrible, beautiful, never ending 88 days of euphoria and total exhaust, hope, mortal fear and joy, my fascination with this bizarre landscape never did let me go again.”
- Robert Peroni: Die magische Grenze, 1992
In 1983 Robert Peroni crossed north Greenland at its widest distance together with Wolfgang Thomaseth and Pepi Schrott in 88 days without auxiliary utilities… without external support like satellite phone (no radio communication), dog sledges or additional supply depots. One of the real expeditions, which brought the human capability and suffering to its limits.

Local crossings and excursions
The Greenlandic ice sheet can be crossed in shorter trekking tours of several days to get an impression of this ice giant.
- multi-day local crossings
- Glacier tours with ski and pulka
- Expedition and Inland ice shield crossing
Winter trekking with ski, snowshoes and pulka
The area around Tasiilaq and Ammassalik is a paradise for trekking and skiing. Snow and glaciers in close proximity and rising up to extreme heights in the north of Tasiilaq – these are the legendary Schweizerland Alps with mighty, unscaled peaks between endless glacier streams. We consult with you in detail and stand by your side. Equipment rentals are also available. Alpine ski tours ranging from easy to very challenging take place in an arctic powder snow dream!

The Red House Expedition Service offers complete and competent advice and ideal equipment for your adventure.
You can rent equipment on the spot on request and get safety and emergency contact during your tour.